https // Enter Code: Real-Debrid Application Authorization

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https // Enter Code: Real-Debrid Application Authorization

By enabling Real-Debrid, streaming apps and Kodi Addons will experience less buffering while using Real-Debrid


Using Real-Debrid, on the other hand, ensures the best download links for media files and other content

Once Real-Debrid is activated in a Kodi add-on or streaming app, a slew of new sources and links become available.

Users can watch buffer-free content with Real-Debrid by integrating it into their favourite streaming app for as little as $5/month.


Real-Debrid is often used in conjunction with streaming apps and Kodi add-ons to get the best picture and sound quality.

https / : How to Activate Kayo on your TV or Mobile?

https // Enter Code

The Real-Debrid authorization code is given to you by the third-party application you are trying to connect your account to.

Authorization codes are changing every 2 minutes and are different for each application that you want to authorize, therefore they are not reusable or supplied after payment.

– To authorize a third-party application on your account, please go here :

– To view or delete authorizations previously made on your account, please go here :

If you forgot your username, please use the associated function “Forgot my password” on our website :

Your username will be in the e-mail that will be sent to you. (Dear your_username).

If you forgot your password or you can’t login, please use the associated function on our website :

Real-Debrid API Documentation

Implementation details

  • Methods are grouped by namespaces (e.g. “unrestrict”, “user”).
  • Supported HTTP verbs are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. If your client does not support all HTTP verbs you can overide the verb with X-HTTP-Verb HTTP header.
  • Unless specified otherwise in the method’s documentation, all successful API calls return an HTTP code 200 with a JSON object.
  • Errors are returned with an HTTP code 4XX or 5XX, a JSON object with properties “error” (an error message) and “error_code” (optional, an integer).
  • Every string passed to and from the API needs to be UTF-8 encoded. For maximum compatibility, normalize to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC) before UTF-8 encoding.
  • The API sends ETag headers and supports the If-None-Match header.
  • Dates are formatted according to the Javascript method date.toJSON.
  • Unless specified otherwise, all API methods require authentication.

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API methods

The Base URL of the Rest API is:

GET /disable_access_token

Disable current access token

GET /time

Get server time

GET /time/iso

Get server time in ISO


GET /user

Get current user info


POST /unrestrict/check

Check a link

POST /unrestrict/link

Unrestrict a link

POST /unrestrict/folder

Unrestrict a folder link

PUT /unrestrict/containerFile

Decrypt container file

POST /unrestrict/containerLink

Decrypt container file from link


GET /traffic

Traffic informations for limited hosters

GET /traffic/details

Traffic details on used hosters


GET /streaming/transcode/{id}

Get transcoding links for given file

GET /streaming/mediaInfos/{id}

Get media informations for given file


GET /downloads

Get user downloads list

DELETE /downloads/delete/{id}

Delete a link from downloads list


GET /torrents

Get user torrents list

GET /torrents/info/{id}

Get infos on torrent

GET /torrents/instantAvailability/{hash}

Get list of instantly available file IDs

GET /torrents/activeCount

Get currently active torrents number

GET /torrents/availableHosts

Get available hosts

PUT /torrents/addTorrent

Add torrent file

POST /torrents/addMagnet

Add magnet link

POST /torrents/selectFiles/{id}

Select files of a torrent

DELETE /torrents/delete/{id}

Delete a torrent from torrents list


GET /hosts

Get supported hosts

GET /hosts/status

Get status of hosters

GET /hosts/regex

Get all supported regex.

GET /hosts/regexFolder

Get all supported regex for folder links.

GET /hosts/domains

Get all supported domains.


GET /settings

Get current user settings

POST /settings/update

Update a user setting

POST /settings/convertPoints

Convert fidelity points

POST /settings/changePassword

Send verification email to change the password

PUT /settings/avatarFile

Upload avatar image

DELETE /settings/avatarDelete

Reset user avatar